A delicious dish for a warm day or over drinks with a good glass of wine: flammkuchen. In this recipe, we make the dough for the flammkuchen ourselves and top it off with our salt variant Zeeuwsche Zoute Smoked. This gives a tasty and unexpected twist to this dish.
1 hour 20 minutes
We start by making the dough for the flammkuchen. (If you’re short on time, you can of course get ready-made bases from the supermarket) In a bowl, mix together the flour, Zeeuwsche Zoute Puur and yeast. Then add the water and olive oil while mixing. Mixing is best done with dough hooks. When the dough starts to form well you can switch to kneading by hand. Knead the dough for about 5 minutes. Place the dough in a bowl and cover with foil. Let the dough rise for 45 minutes in a warm place.
While you wait, prepare the ingredients for the topping. So slice the red onion ahead of time and get the goat cheese and sour cream ready. After the 45 minutes, divide the dough into 4 portions. Roll out the pieces of dough into thin slices. It should be thinner than a pizza.
Top the flammkuchen with sour cream, onion and goat cheese. Place in the oven and cook for 12 minutes at 240 degrees Fahrenheit. When it comes out also add the spinach, balsamic cream and Zeeland Salt Smoked.
Do you have another recipe that includes Zeeland Salt? Let us know at info@zeeuwschezoute.nl. Who knows, you might see your recipe featured soon. Of course, you may also tag us on Instagram or send us a private message.
Photo credit: iStock-larik_malasha